Takk for maten-tale DNV årsmiddag

Olje- og energiminister Marte Mjøs Persen holdt takk for maten-tale på DNVs årsmøte på Gamle Deichman 27.oktober 2021.

*Sjekkes mot fremføring*

Your excellencies,

distinguished guests,

ladies and gentlemen:

I must admit, it's not often I have dined in a library.

It reminds me of the time a man entered a library and approached the librarian and said, "I'll have cheeseburger with fries, please." 

The librarian said: "Sir, you know you're in a library, right?"

"Sorry," he whispered. "I'll have a cheeseburger and fries, please" 


Let me express my gratitude towards DNV – for the honour of being invited to this wonderful event, and for opportunity to enjoy the company of good friends and cooperation partners.

I have missed this so much.

Society has finally opened up; the world has opened up.

So, I hope this evening has been dedicated to international cooperation and friendship.

The menu we have enjoyed tonight may also be seen as a celebration of international cooperation.

For starters, a tuna tartare.

The main dish: Filet of venison.

Rounding off with a delicious chocolate terrine.

And not to forget – we had lovely wines from Germany, Italy and Portugal.


I think it is very fitting, that this evening is a celebration of internationalization – both culturally and gastronomically.

Because – as you all know – we live in an ever changing world.

And that is partly why DNV is one of our top brands.

  • You are a vital contributor, and a treasured partner – as we seek more environmentally friendly energy and maritime industries.
  • And, when we enter into contracts and agreements in far waters – we need organisations like yours: Whose stated purpose is to safeguard life, property and the environment.

We also need events such as this – where we can enjoy each other’s company, meet old friends and make new ones.

So, let me congratulate DNV, for this lovely evening. And – not least –the kitchen for their efforts and results.

As DNV is short for “Det Norske Veritas,” I am reminded of the Latin proverb “In Vino Veritas”: In wine there is truth.

Therefore, I raise my glass to DNV, to the kitchen, to our entertainment, and to all guests.

Thank you!