The European Economic Area Agreement

The Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) is the cornerstone of relations between Norway and the EU. It brings together the 27 EU member states and the three EEA Efta states Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein in the internal market governed by the same basic rules.

The EU/EEA area - without UK. Credit: MFA

What the EEA Agreement covers

Under the EEA Agreement, Norwegians and the Norwegian business sector have the same rights and obligations as citizens and businesses in other EEA countries, for example when it comes to trade, investments, banking and insurance, buying and selling services, and the right to work, study and live in EEA countries.

Fri flyt av varer og tjenester er en del viktig del av EØS-avtalen

Brief history about the EEA

The EEA Agreement ensures that Norway takes part in the EU Single Market with access to the benefits of the free movements of persons, goods, services and capital. It entered into force in 1994.

EEA institutions and bodies

The administration and management of the EEA is shared between the EU and the EEA Efta states. The institutional framework established to manage the EEA Agreement is known as the two-pillar system. The EEA Efta institutions and EU institutions form the two pillars, and there are also four joint EEA bodies.


Section for EEA Affairs

Phone: 23 95 05 10
Address: Postboks 8114 Dep., 0032 Oslo
Visitor address: 7. juniplassen 1 / Victoria Terrasse 7,