Regulations relating to fees payable at Norway’s diplomatic and consular missions

8 January 2020

Adopted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 20 June 2014 under section 21 of the Act of 3 May 2002 No. 13 relating to the Foreign Service, cf Royal Decree of 20 June 2014. As subsequently amended, most recently on 16 October 2020.

Section 1. Requirement to pay fees for services provided by Norwegian diplomatic and consular missions

Any person who receives services as specified in the appendix to these regulations shall pay fees to the mission in accordance with the rates set out in the appendix.

No fee shall be paid for assistance provided by another Nordic country’s mission to Norwegian citizens within the framework of Nordic consular cooperation. Fees for such assistance are payable in accordance with the relevant country’s rules on the payment of fees.

Section 2. Fees payable under the Passport and Norwegian ID Card Regulations, the Immigration Regulations and the Norwegian Nationality Regulations

Fees for passport applications shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Passport and Norwegian ID Card Regulations.

Fees for services payable under the Immigration Regulations shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Immigration Regulations.

Fees for processing applications for Norwegian nationality shall be paid in accordance with the provisions of the Norwegian Nationality Regulations.

Section 3. Surcharges for services provided outside office premises or outside normal office hours

If a service is provided outside office premises or outside normal office hours, a surcharge equivalent to 50 % of the ordinary fee shall be charged.

The recipient of the service shall be made aware of the surcharge in advance.

Section 4. Payment for extra costs associated with providing a service

If the fee does not cover the necessary costs incurred by the mission in connection with the service, the mission may require payment of any such extra costs, for example for postage, telephony, transport, interpretation and photocopies. The recipient of the service may be required to pay a deposit or provide security for the payment of such costs.

If services for which a fee is payable are provided outside office premises, the mission may require the recipient to cover the costs of subsistence and accommodation allowances and travel expenses in accordance with the provisions of the special agreement for official travel abroad and following the rates for travel abroad.

If a mission provides services for which no fees are payable, it may require the recipient to cover costs as set out in the first and second paragraphs as per invoice. The recipient of the service shall be made aware of this requirement in advance.

Section 5. Fee not applicable, reduced or waived

No fee is to be paid for a service that is free of charge under an agreement with a foreign state.

If the recipient’s financial situation, unforeseen circumstances abroad or other special reasons would make it unreasonable to charge a fee, the head of mission or the person authorised by the head of mission may determine by individual decision that the fee is to be reduced or waived. A requirement to pay extra costs may be waived for the same reasons. 

Section 6. Payment of fees

Fees shall be converted from Norwegian krone (NOK) to the foreign currency in accordance with the official exchange rate at the place of service. Fees may be rounded up or down by up to 10 %.

The fee shall be paid at the time when the service is provided, unless the mission for special reasons determines a method of payment that results in a different time of payment. The recipient shall be given a receipt showing that the fee has been paid.

Section 7. Accounts, etc.

Missions shall maintain accounts of fees collected in accordance with good accounting practice and guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

All missions headed by career officers shall credit fee revenues to the Norwegian Treasury. Honorary consulates shall credit fee revenues to the consulate, and the fees shall be used to cover the operating costs of the consulate. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs may redistribute any surplus at an honorary consulate to make up the deficit at one or more other honorary consulates.

Section 8. Public availability of the regulations

These regulations shall be available to the public at diplomatic and consular missions.

Section 9. Entry into force, etc

These regulations enter into force on 1 July 2014. From the same date, the Regulations of 25 January 2013 No. 58 relating to the table of fees for Norwegian diplomatic and consular missions are repealed.


Provision of fee-paying services listed

Fee payable



Foreign currency equivalent, to be determined by mission headed by career officer in accordance with section 6

A. Passports, immigration matters and citizenship


1. Passport applications

See section 2


2. Services provided under the Immigration Regulations

See section 2


3. Processing an application for Norwegian nationality

See section 2


B. Maritime matters


1. Issue of a provisional certificate of nationality under section 5, third paragraph, of the Norwegian Maritime Code



2. Issue of a provisional trading certificate or safety certificate or an endorsement extending the validity of a certificate under section 37 of the Regulations of 22 December 2014 No. 1893 on supervision and certificates for Norwegian ships and mobile offshore units (applies to cargo ships, passenger ships, barges, and mobile offshore units, and to fishing vessels of 15 metres in overall length and upwards)



3. Confirmation that a complete application has been received for temporary service in a position for which a certificate of competency is required (Certificate of Receipt of Application (CRA)) under section 86 of the Regulations of 22 December 2011 No. 1523 on qualifications and certificates for seafarers



C. Financial assistance
Provision of a loan or assistance with money transfers


10% of the amount, but not less than
and not more than

5 000


D. Notarial matters
Issuing a certificate and attesting signatures




E. Issue of a temporary certificate of registration under section 3-14, see section 3-9, of the Aviation Act

3 390


F. The following hourly rate may be charged for assistance over a period exceeding five hours in connection with commercial matters:
In every case, a cost estimate is to be prepared and sent to the client for approval before the work is started.


1 150


G. Payment for assistance with events, from the first hour:
In every case, a cost estimate is to be prepared and sent to the client for approval before the work is started.



H. Surcharges and payment for extra costs

See sections 3–4